Comments on: Spanish authorities lie about immigrant tragedy Treating newsgathering as an engineering problem... since 2012! Wed, 09 Apr 2014 16:04:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Caty Wed, 09 Apr 2014 16:04:29 +0000 So, following the tragedy there were tons of pieces of news in which journalists made clear that the Spanish authorities lied about the circumstances surrounding the tragedy. (I haven’t included any of them because they are in Spanish).
Those pieces were a call to action for NGOs, People (protests, signatures…), even for the EU to act… because of that, Government had to give an explanations and admit things previously denied.
So, the minister speech admitting that rubber bullets were used by security forces was the last thing that happened, and it think it was, in a way, because of advocacy journalism. That was my point

By: Erhardt Wed, 09 Apr 2014 11:55:05 +0000 This is a great article on an issue and set of territories of which I was completely unaware. At the end you point us to a petition, but there is no strong call to action—it feels to me like it’s just part of the news story. Perhaps you could tell me more about how this might help address the issue.
