etagbo – Future of News and Participatory Media Treating newsgathering as an engineering problem... since 2012! Tue, 28 Jan 2014 16:20:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 China must balance prosperity with civil liberty- Chi-Chu Wed, 29 Feb 2012 19:36:46 +0000 Continue reading ]]>  

Chi-Chu, financial journalist, an MBA candidate in Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a lover of basketball, has spent his entire working life doing journalism. In a career that spanned over a decade, Chi-Chu worked as foreign correspondent for different U.S news organisations.
An American of Chinese origin born and bred in Califonia, Chi-Chu’s entire journalism career has been in China. His deep understanding of the political and economic issues in China and the implications of the country’s rising global profile for its citizens and the international community, tells of his many years reporting and analysing the Asian giant.
For this member of the pen profession, why the interest in MBA? Chi-Chu’s present pursuit some ways, underscores the transition that journalism as a profession is undergoing generally in this age of internet and the likelihood of a career switch for him in future.
While a future career change could take away his reporter’s notebook and pen from him, Chi-Chu’s understanding of China is likely keep him an analyst of this economic phenomenon for much longer. As the world keeps a close eye on China, he examines some of the challenges that the country must overcome to make its present growth more meaningful for the ordinary Chinese and long for free press in China. In this interview with Evely Tagbo, Chi-Chu has more to say;

Audio form of the interview

