Media Diet

I’m a bit of a Twitter addict — I have the Twitter app on my phone and both Twitter and Tweetdeck on my laptop. For the most part, that’s where I consume the most media. For a week, I tried to keep track of all the links I clicked on and read on Twitter via my laptop and tweet about them at @MediaMemoir. Below is a chart showing the links that I tweeted about at the account.

This graph doesn’t show the types of media that I encountered from TV, articles I read on my phone or in print, or all the tweets I read (if I kept track of every tweet I read… I don’t even want to go there). For the most part, I don’t tend to spend much time clicking links and reading on my phone. However, most of my light media consumption probably comes from reading quick summaries and tweets via Twitter (which is not on this chart).

Most of my heavy media consumption (actually reading an article or watching a video vs. just reading <140 characters about it) happens in a few dense chunks during the day. These chunks are mostly determined by my schedule.