Joys of the rumor mill: Putin disappears. Netizens have a ball.

I wrote this week’s social media-oriented piece about the mysterious 10-day disappearance of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Given the speed and scale of the virtual outpouring of speculations about his whereabouts, the story seemed particularly fitting for social media curation. I used Martin Hawksey’s TAGS [Twitter Archive Google Spreadsheets] to scrape some Twitter API for statistics, read through various hashtag archives related to the topic during this past week, and to generate the network visualizations.

See the entry on Medium here.

1 thought on “Joys of the rumor mill: Putin disappears. Netizens have a ball.

  1. Great storytelling. The content is rich— you use tweets, videos, Google search statistics and Tweets analysis. The bulk of the story is sourced from online content, which was the main point of this assignment.

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