Eating meat as bad as smoking cigarettes, says study. Does it really?


Update: Only upon posting this exercise did I think to Google for stories and find the above CBS “news piece.”

The following is an exercise in marking up a EurekAlert press release with three different fact-checking schemes. Bolded sentences denote hyperbole. Yellow highlighting is linked to a passage in the scientific study. Grey highlighting refers to citations of previous studies. I was later turned on to the Chrome plugin Churnalism which does something similar–though much spiffier–by comparing news articles to press releases. Here’s the Longo et al. study.

Click below to see the “web app” in action.

1 thought on “Eating meat as bad as smoking cigarettes, says study. Does it really?

  1. Nice work Aleszu. As a fervent reader of health information online I wish all of the articles had this kind of annotation and then maybe we could set some standards – like bright blue is always ‘hyperbole color’. I’m curious how you put this together and look forward to talking more in class about it.

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