The Somerville Happiness Project tried to assess how happy the city’s residents are
Groups of 3-4 people. You have 40 minutes to explore data from the Somerville Happiness Project. Use that time to:
1) Explore the data
2) Pull in other sources of data
3) Figure out what kind of stories could be told
4) For who? Who is your audience? Where would your story/viz be published?
5) Create a paper prototype of your data story or visualization method to share with the class
Data and Resources:
- Catherine’s presentation from the class (links to tools you might want to use)
- Happiness surveys from the City of Somerville
- The City’s Report from the data
- Raw happiness data
The Source article I mentioned in class on the making of 512 Paths to the White House: https://source.opennews.org/en-US/articles/nyts-512-paths-white-house/