Cars vs Public transport

For this assignment I chose to focus on a subject that has been controversial in my city (Guadalajara, Mexico), the public debate between invest in public transport and non motorised mobility vs invest in pro-automobile infrastructure.

One of the main argument that has been used from the pro-automobile side is that the government has to build new roads, tunnels and bridges to improve the mobility in the city, on the other hand the evidence shows that building more roads to solve the urban mobility is like trying to solve obesity with larger pants. It does not solve the real problem.

The approach to the debate was in a form of an infographic, trying to show the facts in a more friendly way.

Clic to see the infographic:

Screenshot 2015-03-10 14.51.07

2 thoughts on “Cars vs Public transport

  1. Luis, this is awesome! You do a great job of laying out compelling facts to guide your reader towards your well-stated conclusion.

    I really love the first graphic where you compare ideal versus real investment patterns. Is that from a particular source, or is that synthesized from all of the research you looked at?

    I’m not familiar with – how long did it take you to create these infographics?They’re really engaging.

  2. I loved this story. And the way you presented is great..
    Well done 🙂
    Will use info.gram in the future

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