don’t have any photos with lavender hair yet
Hello, you! I’m Katrine, pronounced “Katrina” and spelled with an “e”. Please, if you’re hesitant, just ask or pick one and go with it — you’re interesting and I want to get to know you.
Part 2 of our in-class tweet icebreaker:
- tweet 1: Katrine. Comp. Sci. M.Eng. student working with Ethan. Central Square resident. Born and raised Norwegian, increasingly American at heart.
- tweet 2: Why this class? Media matters. Raving reviews. Learning from all of you with totally different backgrounds from mine.
- tweet 3: Things that I like: Code for good, slam poetry, rock climbing, behavioral econ., queer/feminist discussions, the music duo “Dresses”
If you’re interested in more of the ‘professional’ stuff, this website has something like that.