Hello, you! I’m Katrine, pronounced “Katrina” and spelled with an “e”. Please, if you’re hesitant, just ask or pick one and go with it — you’re interesting and I want to get to know you.
Part 2 of our in-class tweet icebreaker:
- tweet 1: Katrine. Comp. Sci. M.Eng. student working with Ethan. Central Square resident. Born and raised Norwegian, increasingly American at heart.
- tweet 2: Why this class? Media matters. Raving reviews. Learning from all of you with totally different backgrounds from mine.
- tweet 3: Things that I like: Code for good, slam poetry, rock climbing, behavioral econ., queer/feminist discussions, the music duo “Dresses”
If you’re interested in more of the ‘professional’ stuff, this website has something like that.