Monthly Archives: May 2015
Periodismo de Barrio: covering natural disasters, vulnerable communities and local development in Cuba
“Periodismo de Barrio” must try to be the kind of media outlet in which the vulnerable communities see their concerns reflected without any sensationalistic and irresponsible touch. It must try to be a means to assist local government bodies in their decision-making processes. It must become a benchmark of journalism from and for the community. Moreover, it must be a laboratory of journalistic experimentation where creative writing, the use of pictures and videos, and the introduction of roles such as fact-checking can find some room. “Periodismo de Barrio” will be “package-first”, anchored in the real situation of Cuban connectivity. Continue reading
Why Screens Can Ruin Your Sleep
I transformed a tiny bit of my research on online connectivity behavior into a FOLD piece called Why Screens Can Ruin Your Sleep. I simply love the concept of FOLD with narrative and context cards. I mostly used external links and videos as context cards, but also included some of my own survey data.
How are social workers handling student debt?
The nation needs more social workers. But when they enter the profession, they’re staring at low salaries and mountains of student debt. How are they handling it?
Gideon Gil and I used the It Gets Smaller student loan tool to find out. First, we used the income planner tool to identify a profession where student loan payments are projected to make up a high percentage of a person’s income.
Then we used the second part of the tool, which generated suggested Reddit threads based on our search. The tool connected us to a hoppin’ Reddit forum for social workers. We posted a question asking for stories of how social workers are handling student loans. We got flooded with stories from around the country.
Gideon and I worked along with Léa Steinacker, Charles Kaioun, Melissa Clark and Luis Guillermo Natera Orozco on the student debt team, which created the Its Gets Smaller website.
Our hope in creating the website is not only to connect students to better loan information, but also to create a new way to seamlessly connect readers and journalists to social media and Reddit forums, where they can crowdsource advice and more information.
It Gets Smaller
Student Debt Interview, please use password: StudentDebt to access the video.
Group Members:
Melissa B
Melissa C
Naomi Oreskes on Why We Should Trust Science
For my four-hour challenge, I attended Naomi Oreskes’s lecture, “Why We Should Trust Science,” live-tweeted it, and compiled the tweets in Storify. I primarily tried to use Storify to add context, examples, and further details that I didn’t have time to include in my live tweets.