SQL (the quick and dirty way)

Navigating SQL is daunting at first, but completely doable, even if you have little programming experience. I’ll walk through how I ran SQL queries against my Chrome browsing data and the tools I used to do it.

Finding the SQL database

First, make sure you know where the SQL Database is in your computer, and make sure you have the appropriate permissions to access it. For example, when I was accessing my Chrome browsing data, I needed to get to this location on my computer:
~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/History

Where “~” means my home directory and “History” is the name of the SQL database file.
If this is daunting, don’t worry! This is what you’d type into a command line. If you don’t know what a command line is, either Google it or come talk to me — I’d be happy to walk you through it. *Note, if you’re looking to access your Chrome history database, make sure you’ve quit out of your Chrome browser. I learned this the hard way.

Notably, the Chrome history database is SQLite and not SQL. For our intents and purposes, this is fine. Functionally, they’re similar in usage; SQLite is a subset of SQL. Just be sure you know what type of database file you’re working with before you start.

How to access and browse your database

So you have your database file. How do you access it and browse through it? The tool I use is sqlitebrowser, made specifically for SQLite. You can open a database file or even create your own. Once you open your database, it looks something like this:

Screen Shot 2016-02-17 at 4.33.18 PM

You can browse through the data row by row, view the structure of the database and execute SQL commands. The “table” dropdown refers to all the different tables in a database; for the Chrome history example, there’s a table for downloads, a table for URLs, and a table source for visits.

It’s great that you can view all this information, but you’re probably also looking to make some meaning from this. To extract rows that are relevant, you’ll want to write a SQL query. I’m not going to go into the details of writing SQL queries here, but I do recommend W3school’s tutorial for the quick version which should be good for most basic queries.

In general, your queries will follow a structure that’s something like this:
select *
from "urls"
where "last_visit_time" > 13099253131722513
and "url" like "%facebook%"
or "url" like "%twitter"
or "url" like "%github%"
or "url" like "%linkedin%"

“select” refers to which columns you’d like to select from the table (I just choose to display all columns by default), “from” refers to which table you’re using and “where” acts like a conditional — if x is true for row i , then include row i in results. You’ll notice my use of “%” for matching strings — these are wildcards (and is easiest to Google as needed).

Below is what’s returned when I run the SQL query I wrote above:

Screen Shot 2016-02-17 at 4.39.52 PM

You can also group together results (like I could’ve grouped by “url” to see how many of each type of URL i visited) and sort by a column.

If you’re new to programming, this probably seems overwhelming, but I definitely think reading the tutorial and just playing around with some SQL queries will help you get the hang of it. I learned basic SQL by having a test database and running queries to figure out what did and didn’t work, as well as how syntax works.

If you have any questions about the post, about databases or about SQL, please reach out! I’d be happy to chat. 🙂

Tools from yesterday’s discussion

Alexis from FOLD here—thanks for the great discussion yesterday!

Here are some of the tools and resources mentioned during my presentation:

  • Storify
  • Genius
  • Embeddable Context Cards by Vox
  • Sketch (alternative to Adobe Illustrator, also allows you to create interactive prototypes. $99, but cheaper with a student discount)
  • Balsamiq (another prototyping tool, draws interface elements in a “sketchy” style, which can be really useful for getting honest early-stage feedback)
  • Meteor.js (Javascript framework we used to build FOLD)

If you’d like to give FOLD a try for one of your assignments this semester, head over to fold.cm to make an account. You can log in with e-mail or with Twitter (signing up with Twitter allows you to embed tweets in your stories).

We’ll be releasing lots of new features over the next month. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback! You can reach me at alexis [at] fold.cm, or on Twitter: @alexishope / @readFOLD.



Can we use Peer-to-Peer transfer technologies to upload videos from mobiles?

It was during an impromptu assignment back in India few years ago that I first found this problem. I could shoot a video while covering an event, but sending it down to my editor using mobile data connection proved tough. My chance of being a pioneer in my bureau and earning some ‘brownie’ points with my editor were soundly dashed. To cover-up my frustration, I blamed poor data connectivity and was under the impression that it was a problem we face only in India. I was proved wrong when I came to the US in 2014. Anyone with a T-Mobile connection in Medford Campus of Tufts University would attest to the fact that ‘no signal’ is not a beast that troubles souls selectively.

Pun apart, my understanding about the limitation that I was facing in uploading videos through data connectivity of a mobile was again challenged when I took a video of my three-minute pitch and tried to upload the file on to my Box Folder, I could not send a 100 MB file through my mail. This time I was on Harvard Wi-Fi and viola, my mobile crashed again and again. I was forced to concede defeat and transfer the files onto my computer and well, rest is ‘going to be’ history.

These experiences taught me something interesting, for a person to shoot a video and upload it onto a website without using any of the apps being provided by the likes of YouTube or Facebook, could face a serious problem as both the strength of data connectivity and the ability of a handset to handle large file transfers can decide whether a data transfer can be made successfully in the first place.

With the definition of journalism changing fast and live streaming and quick video uploads becoming a norm in journalism, the ability of a journalist to not just shoot a video but also to upload it becomes a key prerequisite in their trade. But this ability can be severely compromised if he or she is working in a place with spotty data or Wi-Fi connectivity.

Is there a possible answer?

One of the issue we face in huge file transfers is that in the event of a disruption, the entire transfer fails. I think this could be addressed with the possibility of breaking down the file into manageable packets and transferring it them in sequence, my like peer-to-peer torrent transfer.

Peer-to-peer transfer technologies are also coming of age. For example Terranet is testing its Mesh technology to connect mobile devices without the necessity of having a data connection. If these incredible peer-to-peer transfer technologies are harnessed, I feel that we can create a process that can be used by journalists in creating and distributing multimedia files even from the remote places. While I could not find a product that does this function yet, I guess we can explore the possibilities of tackling this issue this semester.

Storymaker 2’s Got your back!

Storymaker 2

A journalist friend was complaining the other day how she was employed as a journalist when she first started her work. Her job was reporting the news. Then one day she was asked to be a journalist and Facebook updater. Then she became all that AND the Twitter person for her newsroom. After that she was asked to not just write stories, but take photos and do audio and video as well…

As tech innovations fly into newsrooms across the world, few organisations take time to think and plan about who will be assigned what tasks or about the training needed to make journalists proficient in using various digital media tools.

Enter Storymaker, a journalism app that has recently released version 2. I love this app! It takes one through some very simple steps of filing a video, audio or photo story, giving useful prompts of what exactly to capture at various points. It then compiles the video, audio or photo story for easy publishing to your favorite platform.

There are a number of templates to work from and you can download lessons and guides to help make you not just a better user of the app, but more aware of the elements of good journalism in general.

Right now, the app is only available for Android, but a chat with a representative of the Guardian Project, who have taken over development of Storymaker, revealed that the iOS version is on its way.