Media Diary – Jia

This assignment came at the perfect time – it’s a very very busy month and I really need to improve my media diet. The goal of my media diary is to determine a media consumption routine that is the most productive(towards dissertation research).

Diary:  see screenshots below or see interactive diary here

the key: to mimic a hand-drawn feel, I used hatch marks. The messier the mark, the less productive.

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total days: 1 – 7, from last Wednesday, I went on a ill-timed vacation

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productivity is highest in early – mid morningScreen Shot 2016-02-16 at 11.28.37 PM

overall I am not productive 🙁

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I work at the lab or on the train

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Parameters: The media I measured are what inputs I get, not what I make(those are tracked in a spreadsheet already).

IMG_3045survey_screenCollection: After using rescuetime for a few days, I decided against it because it’s automatic recordings didn’t allow me to reflect on what I consumed. The method I found most helpful was to hand record as I go throughout the day. After the first few days, I adapted my notes into a google form(left) so that I can input directly from my phone into a standard format.

The format of my recording results in a spreadsheet with columns for date, time, media, productivity, who I am with, part of day, duration, place, and a short description.

Visualization: I chose this assignment to write a simple reusable visualization module and experiment with opening up visualizations to others on github. Inspired by “Dear Data”, I made a simple spreadsheet to sortable hatch marks visualization.

It is really still a work in progress.

Conclusions: I am pretty predicable. I look at Instagram and online shop throughout the day. I am most productive in the lab, on the train, and in the early mornings.

There is so much I want to do for this visualization. Changing the labels, adding more notes, increasing the clarity with some modifications, and using google spreadsheets directly instead of a downloaded spreadsheet. This repo I made for code in the project is working. (without the key panel)

the entered data, the input form

Media Consumption as a Grad Student

“Ha, I have to write about my media consumption for last week? Big Deal, I know what I spend my time on.” My impression went roughly in this line when I found out that I had to embark on this crazy self-monitoring endeavor. Little did I know that self-monitoring in this digital age can be strangely cathartic.

My journey started with installing RescueTime in my borrowed MacBook Pro. First warning sign came to me when RescueTime asked me, rather incredulously, if I was in my senses when I marked News and Opinion category as productive. “Really? Most people mark it as distracting” was the website’s wisdom. But what would an impersonal website know about our priorities, we know better right? But the power of perceived monitoring became apparent when I started navigating through my digital life.

Here are some of the insights I got from my three-day digital surveillance: I may have been devouring media, both traditional and social, in my earlier life as a journalist, but as a grad student for last two years, my media consumption went downhill and I may have retracted into my metaphorical cave filled with library books and articles. A.T. Mahan, Halford Mackinder, and other luminaries took the place of Media glitterati in my life. Consequently, the most amount of time I spend either online or offline is devoted to these readings. But self-monitoring proved that this could be a far cry from the truth. I do spend a fair amount of resources (both data and battery power) on both ‘productive activities like checking news sites and ‘distracting’ activities like listening to online music (we certainly have to be current with the Grammys right?) or checking TweetDeck ever-so-often.

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It was revealing to me that when time became a precious commodity, Facebook quickly went into the back-burner but twitter remained in the focus. Another information I found about my browsing habits is that I tend to hop from one website to another. I start off with an interesting tweet or article and start reading all the related stories or the hyperlinks present in the stories. Hyperlinks can be distracting, and addictive as well…

While it was interesting to see that I was following a pattern and unknowingly was being led from one article to another, the most interesting aspect I found is the time slots that I am online.

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I tend to squeeze my Digital time between the classes and other sacred Grad School rituals, like realtime socialization. While this pattern is most visible during the weekdays, I do operate on identifiable time slots during the weekends as well.

Before the start of monitoring I was of the impression that I was doing a lot of work and that as a grad student, I was under enough workload. It was only after I started monitoring my own activity that I realized there is always enough time, we just need to look deeper into our own time consumption.

The Art of Media, A Diary

As others have noted in previous classes, RescueTime is big on data, slim on details. That said, the app has its advantages — and is certainly more sophisticated than my other fallback:
Luddite media tracker

After the first full day of auto-assisted tracking on my laptop, phone and iPad, my stats looked something like this:

Minutes spent, February 11

Concern over my social life aside, I wondered: how much of that time was voluntarily given? Or, to put another way, how much of my media consumption was I opting into?

Turns out, not as much as I’d like.

Email use Feb 11 - 16

The chart above shows the number of emails in my inbox that I interacted with in some way during the last week. Overwhelmingly, I am a passive consumer of media: taking in far more content than I create. This extends to all the social media platforms I used for more than three hours a day.Social Media Use

I can’t say I’m very surprised to find out that of the 12 or so hours of “entertainment” RescueTime tells me I consumed, 11 of those hours were spent half-listening to podcasts from Radio Lab or music from Spotify as I went about other tasks. Media has been part of the background noise in some shape or form for most of my life. That said, I wonder at the implications of such a wide margin of consumption to creation — particularly as we continue to explore how media can serve in a civic capacity.

Track your media: Know thyself


“Track all the media that you put into your head after you leave this classroom”, said Ethan. The exercise was demanding, I did it for five days and the interruptions felt unnatural as I was collecting the data of my Whatsapp’s messages, the news I read or my mom’s FaceTime calls. However, that neurotic gathering of information paid off: at the end it provided a revealing portrait of my media behavior.

Among other things, I discovered that I’m locked in a microscopic part of the Internet, that I’m consuming media one in every four minutes, and that E-mail takes most of my time in front of a screen.

Gathering the data

To collect the data I took screenshots of all the digital media that I consumed via my mobile or my laptop.

150 screenshots in five days

150 screenshots in five days

Then I organized all that information (time, device, language, format, etc.) in a Google Spreadsheet that turned out to be nine columns and 134 rows.

Interviewing the data

I used WTFcsv, a tool included in the set, to visualize my data and start asking it questions. In some cases I also used the Explore function embedded in Google Spreadsheets.

1. How much time did I spend in front of a screen?
Five days have 7200 minutes, and let’s say that I slept 1800 of them (6 hours per day), so I was awake for 5400 minutes. During the five days of the exercise I spent 1331 minutes consuming digital media: that means that I was 24.6% of my time in front of a screen.

One in every four minutes I’m consuming digital media. That’s just shocking.

2. How diverse is the media that I consume?
Using pivot tables in Excel I found out that I only visited 45 unique websites, that’s an average of 9 different websites per day. There are around 990,950,000 websites in the Internet right now. In proportion, the 45 websites that I visited are like the size of a particle of dust (0.5 µm) in the Big Ben.

dust in big ben

See that speck of dust? It’s what I know of the Internet.

I also discovered that I only used 17 of the 87 apps that I have installed on my mobile… No comments.

3. When in the day do I consume more digital media?
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4. What media format do I consume more?
formats 5. In which activities did I invest more time?
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6. En qué idioma consumo la información?

8. Time invested in each activity


Things that I would like to know but that I couldn’t visualize

  • Infrastructure of the Internet. The location of the farthest server that send me information, for example.
  • Gaps in the consumption. Besides my hours of sleep, how much time did I spend without consuming any kind of digital media?

How much of a cyborg am I?


RescueTime isn’t the most amazing of tools, especially the free version, but I appreciated the aggregated data coming off my laptop, and added in another sizeable chunk of time regarding my cell.

I’m not totally cyborg, but in the last week I spent about 60% of my time connecting to some kind of machine/online media source.  I thought as a fun form of data vis, I’d glitch my face as a quantitative measurement of my computer usage in true Neuromancer art fashion.  With soft massaging of data:

60% online/computer usage, 40% other (reading, painting, working out, you know, living). The glitch me versus the real me.  Yep, 60/40….

“Glitch me” breaks down to be 70/30% software development to OMG FB and social media.  Horrifying.  The larger pixelations vs the smaller pixelations represent this ratio.

glitch software from   I wish i had more time to do a live visualization/API feed but this is my analog estimation of how cyborgian I truly am.



Sravanti’s Media Diary

My media journal started off with me meticulously detailing when, where, and what I was consuming, as I consumed it. I was idealistic in assuming I could do this for a full week with no problems — by the weekend, I found myself consuming media left, right and center and forgetting to record it.

Luckily, I had my browser history to pull from to fill in the gaps and I found some interesting — although not entirely surprising — results. Yes, I spend more time than I should on Facebook. I also spent an extraordinary amount of time on LinkedIn and GitHub this week, which I thought was interesting. Upon reflection, though, this makes sense: 1) I’m job-hunting and 2) I use GitHub for one of my other classes.

I also found my media consumption to center around a few events — I tend to find a subject and read lots about it, rather than read about a large breadth of topics. This week’s topics were dominated by Kanye West and Gilmore Girls (as tempted as I was to hide certain browsing details, I kept them in).

I combed through my Chrome browser history, taking a look at the history file on my computer, which is stored in sqlite format. I ran a few simple queries, like the one below to get the percentage of my browser history that was social media related:

select *
from "urls"
where "last_visit_time" > 13099253131722513 #timestamp from a week ago
and "url" like "%facebook%"
or "url" like "%twitter"
or "url" like "%github%"
or "url" like "%linkedin%"

From this, I was able to get the percentage of links that were Facebook, Twitter, etc. You’ll notice that this doesn’t measure time spent on each page. I actually thought that this was fine, as throughout the week, I noticed I’m not one to scroll through Facebook too much – I just take a look at the top stories on my feed and then exit out — and probably don’t spend longer than 2-3 minutes per visit unless I’m messaging a friend. If I really wanted to, I could estimate the time by calculating the number of times I hit Facebook in the past week multiplied by my average time spent per visit (e.g. 401 visits to Facebook –> 16 hours, which is terrifying to think about).

Another aspect of media consumption I looked into this week was seeing where I found the articles I read. Did they come from Facebook? Twitter? I found that most of them came from Twitter and links shared from a friend through Slack.

Interestingly, I found that beyond my social media consumption, my media consumption is largely driven by email. About 50% of my media consumption came from email! Related, but not necessarily media (which, by my definition, was communication for an audience that wasn’t private) was that I spent a lot of time on my calendar, organizing and adding appointments with peers.

To track my mobile phone usage, I ended up conceding to phone battery to determine which apps I used to consume media. This is obviously a skewed metric — Snapchat uses much more data to transmit photos/videos compared to Twitter, which is much more text based. I found that I used Snapchat, Spotify, Twitter and Facebook the most on my phone, which is consistent with what I thought my mobile media consumption would look like. I also read about 75% of articles on my phone compared to the 25% I read on my computer. Because I tend to use my computer to either code or write extensively (and use my phone in almost all other cases), this also makes sense.

But enough of SQL code and words — I wanted to try my hand at infographics, so I decided to put together a couple of short ones: one for my computer media usage, the other for my mobile media usage.

1 2

Notably, these graphics and my earlier discussion doesn’t track any media that wasn’t consumed on my phone or the computer. I did read one print publication this week, which was my school newspaper, The Wellesley News. I also listened to roughly 150 tracks on Spotify, 50 tracks on SoundCloud. With regards to TV consumption, I watched a couple episodes of Mozart in the Jungle and the first four episodes of Billions. 

Naomi’s Media Diary

When I started my media journal, I had a hunch of what I would find: lots and lots of time on Facebook. I never really got into Twitter and Snapchat, but Facebook has become a big problem for me in recent years. It started as a convenient way to keep in touch with friends I wasn’t seeing and networking with other journalists, activists and interesting people – many stories I wrote started with my feed. It also seemed like a good way to gauge zeitgeist, which is important for a journalist.

But over the past 2-3 years, it has evolved into an addiction. Clicking on Facebook and scrolling down my feed became something I either do all the time, or want to do all the time, like the smoker who starts craving a cigarette even as she’s still smoking one. It’s not that my feed is so interesting: more often it’s either boring or depressing (Unlike other people who get depressed by seeing other people’s photogenic lives, my depression derives mainly from having so many lefty Israeli friends who are disgruntled about the way things are in Israel). Furthermore, I don’t trust Facebook. I know they’re selling me to advertisers, that they are a useful tracking and monitoring tool for governments, and that Facebook keeps me from reading and writing stuff I really want to read and write, from really being with my kids, even when I’m physically there and that it turns me into a “like” junkie.

So why do I keep at it? I think that it’s the useful distraction from anxiety, combined with a slight ADHD. And, it’s so easy. Facebook is always there. It has gotten so bad, that when I have something important to do – an assignment or just an afternoon with my children – I have taken to deleting the Facebook app from my phone. The problem is, I always re-download it.

Examining the battery percentage report on my phone revealed that my suspicions were founded: On a daily basis and also on a weekly basis, I was spending around 50% of my battery (i.e. of my time) on Facebook.


Some insights about my usage of Facebook:



Another interesting insight is that I now consume most of my media through Facebook. I rarely go to the New York Times website anymore – I just “like” them, get updates and read what I want to read through Instant Articles. It’s the same with Haaretz, Vanity Fair and the New Yorker, but also silly quiz websites and slideshows. 

The defining feature of my consumption is that it is seemingly random: I don’t start out saying, “I’d like to see a slideshow about the longest-lasting celebrity marriages! where can I find that?” I am distracted into clicking on the link when it appears on my feed. Of course, there is really nothing random about it, because it is all dictated by the Facebook algorithm in ways that I will never understand. But the point is that it is not dictated by me. I’m no longer in charge of my media consumption: Mark Zuckerberg is.



Digital Diary. A Haiku

A haiku:

Diary breeds shame

Binge watching Nurse Jackie all week

Netflix is Satan



  1. I spend waste a sh*t ton of time on Netflix, FB and Twitter.
  2. I read two actual dead-tree documents last week – a Boston Globe paper and about 40 pages of a book.
  3. My attention span is shot. I rapid cycle through 10 apps in 20 minutes.

Word Cloud Digital Diary

Based on my calculations, I spent a shameful share of my waking hours on Netflix, followed by FB and Twitter, which is where I get a lot of my news. (More on that later.)  Email didn’t take as much time as I feared, mainly because I get a lot of newsletters I don’t read. If you exclude Netflix, easily 70 percent of the media I consume is news from other publications/NPR.

I was surprised to see that I didn’t listen to any podcasts last week, although I subscribe to several. I think this was a function of being in a lot of Ubers and it feels rude to have the earbuds in while being Uber-ed.

I didn’t include substantive IRL conversations (almost all with other Nieman fellows/staff or Harvard students/professors) or phone calls (almost all with family members) or FaceTime chats (all with my niece and nephew back in Memphis).

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Audrey’s Media Diary

How I Lost my Snow Day Trying to Read all the News on the Internet Intro_08

It’s Sunday, outside is 5°, and I won’t go out : perfect day to catch up on the week’s news — or so I thought. Here’s how and what I read/heard/watched while the world was ending, buried under 70 inches of snow.


Opening eyes around 7.30, the first thing I do is check my phone (I know, it’s a bad thing to do). I read a blurry bunch of news notifications that popped on the screen while I slept. I only read the notifications, without opening any of them. This morning, they all describe the terrorist attack that happened in Denmark. This actually can be all that I do to remain informed on a busy day : seeing the world only through media notifications, trusting my apps to tell me only what’s essential, and never reading anything further. But it won’t be enough for a snow storm day, locked inside.



I bother reaching for my glasses and my iPad, and let myself drift from link to link, starting with e-mail newsletters (Medium and But Facebook pops up on the screen without me even thinking, and transforms my quest for news by taking me to a post-Valentine’s day feed. I say to myself that this is a little monochrome and irritating, but I end up reading a bunch of Valentine stuff I had no intent to read for an hour, like a map of the world’s single published on Medium. I emerge from this lukewarm love bath thinking about how I didn’t see anything about the latests event in Copenhagen pop up in my feed. So I finally take a deliberate decision and open The Guardian’s app to read about it. 15 more minutes.



Next to some almond biscuits my partner and I put on the table, ends up a smartphone that shouts what NPR One app’s chooses to tell us about the world this morning. We listen closely when a report on Copenhagen comes up. And later complain about a Valentine’s day story (am I trapped?) we had heard two days before. We just turn the whole thing off when a game show comes up, feeling like we didn’t get the news we came for. And we ask : why did we not just play a podcast instead?



I’m sorry that I have to drag you into this truth about media consumers : they often read you from their bathroom. Unfortunately, I make no exception — and open the NYTNow app when I get there. I always say I love this app because unlike the NYT homepage, it makes choices, and doesn’t flood me with tons of things I might not want to read. I scroll through the “News” section for a while, reading stories and saving a bunch of others “for later” — more stuff from Copenhagen, although the situation is unclear at this point. Then I get to my favorite part of the app : the “Picks” — where the editors have chosen for me what I should read out of the whole Internet. I rarely click through to any content. I just feel good knowing that these things exist.



In an attempt to get some work done, I open my laptop to the hundred Chrome tabs from my last Internet time. Two starred e-mails later, the sound of Facebook pops in my ear. And in a heartbeat, I’m scrolling down my Facebook feed. This time around, I am flooded with the news of the day : snow is everywhere, more snow is coming, when will the snow end? My Tweetdeck is next on my instinctive desktop habits. I open a bunch of tabs, and jump from one content to another : The Guardian, Medium, Vox, Reddit, NYTimes, Quartz, NYMag… 90% of topics are about the U.S., and all contents are in English — which may seem weird for a French journalist, now that I think about it. I read a lot of stuff but the only thing that really strikes me is the Obama interview Vox did : good format, great interview.



At night, I find the time to read the choices I’ve actually made on the whole Internet: the articles I’ve saved in Pocket, the read-it-letter app. But while I dwell into reading a bunch of my saved contents, this media diary makes me self-conscious. What is it that I actually choose to “save to read later”? First is an obvious one : (too) long pieces that I’m afraid I will never read. Second is a little less obvious : bookmarking. Things that I actually already read/watched, but wanted to keep somewhere. They’re coming from my favorite sources : Vox, NYT, Quartz, The Guardian, Le Monde, etc. No specific topic surfaces, and I feel like, once more, this saved content is still very much a result of my serendipity habits, rather than the reflection of my own interests.